Fiber Artists

210 Maud St. - Punta Gorda, Florida, United States

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


On April 9, the Common Threads group held a small , but very colorful meeting. We discussed the up -coming exhibits MADE BY HAND and the FINE ARTS FESTIVAL and many other events that we are considering scheduling for next season..

May 14th will be our last meeting of the 2012-2013 season, but the lucky full time residents of Punta Gorda will be able to participate in the summertime play days that are being planned. Jane will keep us informed of the days as they are scheduled.

Remember to keep us informed of any classes and projects that you are involved in over the summer, so that we can include them in our blog.

wool rug by new member Ann
a different  design by Ann
It's possible Ann will teach a workshop for us next season!                                                            
inspiration floral piece purchased by Carolyn-
This ribbon floral piece should be a good model for art designed for the John Singer Sargent exhibit next fall. Many of his beautiful portraits feature embellishments similar to this piece.                                                    
Gloria's clutch bag designed for the Made by Hand exhibit
 Roxy was voted the best dressed at the meeting! She was coordinated from tip to toe with earrings,top, shoes, handbag and necklace all inspired by her participation in Kim's "Cutting up your Closet Workshop.
Roxy's amazing outfit

Remember the Garment Group meets on the first and third Fridays and our final meeting of the season is May 14th. See you there.

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